Bera, Rathindra NathAnand Kumar, JananiKanojia, ShwetaMashhadi Akbar Boojar, FargolChauhan, NishthaHirani, Mehul Shashikant2025-01-272025-01-2720229728279 The treatment approaches for condylar fractures of the mandible include functional, closed reduction and open reduction�internal fixation. Recently endoscopic management of condylar fractures has been emphasized in the literature. We systematically review the studies comparing closed versus open versus endoscopic-assisted condyle fracture management with regard to the indications, effectiveness and complications of each modality. Methods: A total of 11 articles were selected based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria from PubMed, Cochrane and clinical Differences in means and risk ratios were used as principal summary measures with p value < 0.05 as significant. For detection of any possible biases in sample sizes, the OR and its 95% CI for each study were plotted against the number of participants. Chi-square test, I2 test and the Cochrane bias tool were used to assess the bias in and across studies. Results: Except for deviation on opening there was no significant difference between open versus closed treatment of condylar fractures. Endoscopic approach and open surgical approaches differed only in terms of operating time and TMJ pain. There was no significant difference in facial nerve injury among the two groups. Discussion: Closed reduction is particularly indicated for minimally displaced fractures; for moderate to severe displacement, open reduction is preferred. Open reduction can also be preferred over endoscopic approaches as there is no significant advantage of using latter. Limitations of the study included specific treatment according to the site of fracture not addressed, limited data regarding pediatric condylar fracture, lack of homogenous classification schemes, etc. � 2021, The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India.How far we have come with the Management of Condylar Fractures? A Meta-Analysis of Closed Versus Open Versus Endoscopic ManagementReview