Kesavan, SelvarajSaravana Kumar, E.Kumar, AbhishekVengatesan, K.2025-01-302025-01-3020211206212X services is software entity allows machine to machine communication, operates as standalone unit and interoperability over network using standard web technologies such as Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) and eXtensible markup language (XML). With the rapid growth of cloud platform, infrastructure and emergence of multiple Digital transformation technologies, more and more conventional applications are transformed into web-based services. Service-based approach creates tremendous impact on multimedia content storage, retrieval, delivery and communication. With cloud infrastructure and service, get economically viable, real time, high resolution multimedia content on-the-go anywhere and everywhere using adaptive http streaming approach. This paper presents convergence of adaptive http streaming from conventional infrastructure to cloud enabled model and presents the advancement and architecture of adaptive http streaming delivery as a web-based service delivery approach. The detailed performance evaluation of conventional and cloud enabled service-based approaches were presented, and the metrics were compared from real-time experiment. By analyzing performance indices and characteristics, cloud enabled multimedia service delivery approach poses advantages, gives promising result and better user experience compare to the conventional adaptive HTTP streaming approach. � 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.Adaptive HTTP streamingconventionalmedia serviceRESTweb serviceAn investigation on adaptive HTTP media streaming Quality-of-Experience (QoE) and agility using cloud media servicesArticle