Yadav, Abhimanyu S.Saha, MahendraBhattacharya, AmartyaGupta, Arindam2025-01-282025-01-28202319322321https://dl.bhu.ac.in/ir/handle/123456789/21133A meaningful subject of discourse in manufacturing industries is the assessment of the lifetime performance index. In manufacturing industries, the lifetime performance index is used to measure the performance of the product. A generalized lifetime performance index (GLPI) is defined by taking into consideration the median of the process measurement when the lifetime of products follow a parametric distribution may serve better the need of quality engineers and scientists in industry. The present study constructs various point estimators of the GLPI based on progressive type II right censored data for the Lindley distributed lifetime in both classical and Bayesian setup. We perform Monte Carlo simulations to compare the performances of the maximum likelihood and Bayes estimates with a gamma prior of CY (L) under progressive type-II right censoring scheme. Finally, the validity of the model is adjudged through analysis of a data set. � 2023, Gnedenko Forum. All rights reserved.enBayesian estimationMaximum likelihood estimatorMetropolis-Hastings methodProcess Capability IndexASSESSMENT OF GENERALIZED LIFETIME PERFORMANCE INDEX FOR LINDLEY DISTRIBUTION USING PROGRESSIVE TYPE-II SAMPLESArticlehttps://doi.org/10.24412/1932-2321-2023-476-69-86