Bhanu, Akhouri NishantSingh, Mahendra NarainSrivastava, Kartikeya2025-03-012025-03-0120191799541 intervarietal crosses involving two resistant and three susceptible genotypes of mungbean were attempted with the objectives to determine the mode of inheritance of gene-specific Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Virus (MYMV) resistance. An infector row technique along with artificial inoculation was used for evaluating parents, F 1 , F 2 and F 3 plants for MYMV resistance. Disease scoring for MYMV indicated that F 1 s were highly susceptible as were the susceptible parents while resistant parent exhibited resistant reaction. The F 2 progeny segregated in the ratio of 9 S:3 MS:3 MR:1 R suggesting that the resistance was governed by digenic recessive genes (r m 1 and r m 2). When one gene (r m 1) was present in the homozygous recessive condition in different plants, it conferred moderately susceptible (MS) reaction, whereas when other gene (r m 2) was in homozygous condition, moderately resistant (MR) reaction was obvious. When both genes (r m 1 and r m 2) were present together in the homozygous recessive condition, resistant reaction (R) was observed. The F 2 segregation explained on the basis of phenotypic expression was further confirmed by F 3 segregation. © 2019 Blackwell Verlag GmbHinheritanceMungbeanMYMVresistanceGenetic analysis of gene-specific resistance to mungbean yellow mosaic virus in mungbean (Vigna radiata)Article