Kumar, AshutoshRoy, Kaushik2025-01-272025-01-272022978-100080054-8; 978-103239013-0https://dl.bhu.ac.in/ir/handle/123456789/12593This book explores the intricate and intimate relationship between military organization, imperial policy, and society in colonial South Asia. The chapters in the volume focus on technology, logistics, and state building. The present volume highlights the salient features of expansion and consolidation of imperial control over the subcontinent, and ultimate demise of the Raj. Further, it turns the spotlight on to subaltern challenges to imperialism as well as the role of non-combatants in warfare. � 2023 selection and editorial matter, Ashutosh Kumar and Kaushik Roy. All rights reserved.Warfare and society in british India, 1757-1947Book