Singh, Prajjval PratapKumar, SachinPasupuleti, NagarjunaWeerasooriya, P.R.van Driem, GeorgeTennekoon, Kamani H.Rai, NirajChaubey, GyaneshwerRanasinghe, R.2025-01-282025-01-28202325890042 Sinhalese are the major ethnic group in ?r? La?k?, inhabiting nearly the whole length and breadth of the island. They speak an Indo-European language of the Indo-Iranian branch, which is held to originate in northwestern India, going back to at least the fifth century BC. Previous genetic studies on low-resolution markers failed to infer the genomic history of the Sinhalese population. Therefore, we have performed a high-resolution fine-grained genetic study of the Sinhalese population and, in the broader context, we attempted to reconstruct the genetic history of ?r? La?k?. Our allele-frequency-based analysis showed a tight cluster of Sinhalese and Tamil populations, suggesting strong gene flow beyond the boundary of ethnicity and language. Interestingly, the haplotype-based analysis preserved a trace of the North Indian affiliation to the Sinhalese population. Overall, in the South Asian context, ?r? La?k?n ethnic groups are genetically more homogeneous than others. � 2023 The AuthorsenEvolutionary historyGenotypingPhylogeneticsReconstructing the population history of the Sinhalese, the major ethnic group in ?r? La?k?Article