Sandwich therapy in the management of propranolol resistant infantile hemangioma of the lip

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Journal of Stomatology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

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Elsevier Masson s.r.l.

Research Projects

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Rationale: Propranolol has evolved as a first line management of infantile haemangiomas. Nevertheless, the resistance to propranolol has warranted alternative treatment modalities. We hypothesize that combination of medical and surgical therapy (sandwich therapy) to be beneficial in the management. Methods: Patients were divided into three groups (total=31), Group A (bleomycin sclerotherapy), Group B (surgical group), Group C (sandwich therapy). A p value <0.05 was taken as significant. Results: In Group A 54.5% of patients had excellent response, 27.3% partial response and 18.2% had no response. Comparing cosmetic outcome, 25% of patients in Group B and 16.7% of patients in Group C had excellent upshot. On the contrary 18.2% of patients in bleomycin had unsatisfactory and 18.2% had poor cosmetic outcome. Sandwich therapy was cosmetically more acceptable than Bleomycin sclerotherapy (p- value = 0.049). In terms of recurrence, sandwich therapy differed significantly from surgical therapy with fewer recurrences (p-value= 0.049). Conclusion: Sandwich therapy is superior to bleomycin sclerotherapy in terms of cosmetic outcome and has fewer recurrences compared to surgical group and requires single stage resection. However, further studies with the help of Doppler ultrasound are required in this regard. � 2022 Elsevier Masson SAS



Bleomycin sclerotherapy, Hemangioma, Sandwich therapy

