Publication: Pseudorapidity density, transverse momentum spectra, and elliptic flow studies in Xe-Xe collision systems at sNN =5.44 TeV using the HYDJET++ model
Journal Title
Physical Review C
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American Physical Society
In this paper, we present a systematic study of Xe-Xe collisions at 5.44-TeV center-of-mass energy. We employ the Monte Carlo (hydrodynamics plus jets) HYDJET++ model to calculate the pseudorapidity distribution, transverse momentum (pT) spectra and the elliptic flow (v2) of charged hadrons with different parameters in two geometrical configurations: body-body and tip-tip type of Xe-Xe collisions. The kinematic ranges 0<pT<50GeV/c and |?|<0.8 are considered for our paper. Results are obtained for seven classes of centrality. For comparison, we have shown results from the AMPT model with the string-melting version. The results obtained for Xe-Xe collision systems for minimum bias at midrapidity match well with the experimental data of the ALICE/CMS Collaborations. We observe that the pseudorapidity density depends on the size and geometry of the colliding system. The centrality dependence of average transverse momentum ((pT)) and average elliptic flow ((v2)) is also observed. The charged hadron properties also show clear dependence on the geometrical configuration of the collisions. Our model results have been compared to results obtained in the AMPT model. The HYDJET++ model justifies data more closely than the AMPT model, the latter mostly overpredicts the experimental data. � 2021 American Physical Society.