Publication: Schroedinger equation, spin and topology
Journal Title
Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations
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The presence of imaginary unit i at a fundamental level in the Schroedinger wave equation has led to the mysterious interpretation of quantum theory. New interpretation of the Schroedinger wave equation transforming it to two coupled wave equations that can be written in real spinor form is proposed. Spin angular momentum for free particle is derived based on this formalism. The proposition that spin is an emergent property in stochastic electrodynamics is critically examined in this context. It is shown that the geometric phase for Z2 vortex gives a new insight on the nature of spin: pure gauge field of geometric origin carries spin-half that has topological origin. The geometric interpretation of Pauli algebra such that the commutators signify 2D directed area introduces topological aspect in the Pauli algebra. It is argued that topological origin of spin implies that it is the spin that gives the particle nature to the electron. A possible line of approach suggested for addressing fundamental questions in quantum theory is to incorporate topological aspect for spin in the stochastic approach. Possible alternative paradigm for unification is also suggested. � 2023, The Author(s) under exclusive license to Chapman University.
Aharonov�Bohm effect, Pure gauge field, Real spinors, Stochastic electrodynamics, Topological origin of spin, Z<sub>2</sub> vortex