Publication: Demand and Supply Gaps: Seeds and Raw Material
Journal Title
Revolutionizing the Potential of Hemp and Its Products in Changing the Global Economy
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Springer International Publishing
Hemp is one of the oldest known crops with huge industrial and pharmaceutical applications.Most parts of the hemp plant are used in industry: stem for fibre production, leaves for animal bedding and construction, roots in phytoremediation and flowers for essential oils and pharmaceuticals. Seeds of the Hemp plant are a rich source of various nutrients that can be used to produce oil, flour for bread supplementation, as feed for organic farming. Realizing Hemp as a multifaceted and sustainable crop, recently there is a renewed interest in Hemp production. In this chapter, we are discussing Hemp global market, demand and supply and factors affecting industrial hemp production. � The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022.
Cannabis, Demand, Hemp seeds, Industrial hemp cultivation, Supply, THC