Carbon sequestration and harnessing biomaterials from terrestrial plantations for mitigating climate change impacts

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Biomass, Biofuels, Biochemicals: Climate Change Mitigation: Sequestration of Green House Gases

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Global warming and associated climatic changes due to rapidly increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emission majorly by various anthropogenic activities led to negative impacts on various natural resources including the land and forest systems. Biomass production has been continuously suggested to address these issues, as it not only assists in environmental cleanup but also sequester atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) under both aboveground and belowground domains. Being a versatile source of renewable energy, biomass uses are very much diversified such as bioenergy, biocomposites, biopolymers, bioplastics, and other biomaterials thereby providing strength to build cohesive bioeconomy for sustainable development. Therefore, the present chapter deals with the abovementioned account for the same in order to address several targets of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs). Moreover, it also focuses on potential practices to enhance the production of quality biomass feedstock from degraded and neglected natural resources such as the marginal and degraded lands and forest systems for human well-being and nature's vitality. � 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



Agroforestry, Biomass production, Carbon sequestration, Global warming, Land restoration, Phytoproducts, Phytoremediation

