Parametric Study of Influence of Groundwater and Joint Spacing on Stability of a High Overburden Tunnel

dc.contributor.authorSrivastav, A.
dc.contributor.authorKainthola, Ashutosh
dc.contributor.authorDangwal, V.
dc.contributor.authorSingh, T.N.
dc.description.abstractIn a complex terrane, excavation engineers have to take into account various problems and challenges. Himalaya is rugged with highly undulating topography, major discontinuous boundaries, extremely heterogenous lithology and complex subsurface water system, which makes the excavation process more troublesome in it. Groundwater decreases the strength of the rock mass through increase in pore-water pressure and decrease in effective stresses. The Present research is based on estimation of influence of groundwater and discontinuity spacing on tunnel stability through field deformation and numerical simulation. The study site is part of Rishikesh-Karnaprayag railway project in Uttarakhand Himalaya. The tunnel has the diameter of 7.8�m with the overburden depth of 200�m. Sandstone rocks surrounding the excavation boundary belong to Mandhali formation. Initially, numerical model was simulated using the properties of discontinuities exposed at the tunnel phase and the mean properties of Borehole log data nearest to the excavation site. Afterward, deformation is calibrated at different water pressure heads and various discontinuity spacings. The variation in deformation is significant with variation in groundwater pressure and discontinuity spacing and reveals the importance of these parameters during underground excavation and stability assessment. � 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.
dc.publisherSpringer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
dc.subjectFinite element analysis
dc.subjectGround water influence
dc.subjectTunnel stability
dc.titleParametric Study of Influence of Groundwater and Joint Spacing on Stability of a High Overburden Tunnel
dc.typeConference paper
journal.titleLecture Notes in Civil Engineering

