Molecular techniques and mutation breeding approaches to genetically enrich the Barley (Hordeum Vulgare L.)

dc.contributor.authorChandra, Kailash
dc.contributor.authorSaritha, H.S.
dc.contributor.authorRashmi, K.
dc.contributor.authorTeli, S. Basavaraj
dc.contributor.authorChand, Subhash
dc.contributor.authorKumawat, Gayatri
dc.contributor.authorKhatik, Champa Lal
dc.contributor.authorSharma, Rohit
dc.description.abstractBarley, scientifically known as Hordeum vulgare L. is the world�s one of the preponderance ancient crop which brought under human cultivation. Its importance can be assessed by the fact that the Sumerians and the Babylonians used grains of barley as currency during the ancient era. It is unavoidable in brewing and malting. Apart from this, barley is also known for its numerous medical properties since it has beta-glucans which is having the capability to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. To meet the demand of an ever-increasing population, barley production can be increased by adopting the high-yielding and climatic resilient varieties. Recently, a major emphasis in the breeding program has been given to the development of improved genotypes with the help of modern technologies to combat climate change, which has a great impact on yield reduction. Thus, to enhance and sustain barley production in the country, the development of genotypes against all cancerous factors is a prerequisite. Nonetheless, a plant breeder faces constraints in developing high-yielding varieties due to a lack of precise information about inheritance patterns and difficulties in selecting parents and further crosses. There is an urgent need to understand the perplexing information of various factors influencing barley yield potential. At the onset, vistas about barley genetic improvement were limited to conventional approaches. However, in the present era it extends to molecular approaches, and the future will be having a platform of advanced research for its improvement. Therefore, this chapter will provide information about the molecular approaches and mutation breeding in barley. � 2021 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
dc.publisherNova Science Publishers, Inc.
dc.subjectGenetic improvement
dc.subjectMolecular breeding
dc.subjectMutation breeding
dc.titleMolecular techniques and mutation breeding approaches to genetically enrich the Barley (Hordeum Vulgare L.)
dc.typeBook chapter
journal.titleHordeum vulgare: Production, Cultivation and Uses

