Plant-soil interactions in a changing world: A climate change perspective

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Frontiers in Plant-Soil Interaction: Molecular Insights into Plant Adaptation

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Climate is a major factor that governs several things starting from the origin of the different animals, and food availability for human and animals. The growth of crops species is becoming more vulnerable due to the climate now. The living ecosystem of every creature depends on the climate. Climate change is the prime threat to the sustainability of our ecosystem and continuous emission of the greenhouse gases is making it more perilous. As a consequence, an unanticipated shift in the dynamics of plant-soil cross-talk is encountered. Nevertheless, gradual escalation of mean earth surface temperature can potentially curtail the duration of the growth period, yield, and water productivity. Every major crop are expected to decline due to erratic precipitation and higher water demands under elevated temperature. In this chapter, we mainly highlight the impact of fluctuating climatic elements on terrestrial flora, edaphic conditions, and their mutual interactions. Surging air temperature is detrimental for the soil carbon stock and its depletion hampers the rhizospheric processes, biochemical cycles, and ultimately affects plant species. We have also discussed different processes involved in plant-soil interactions at different stages of primary or secondary succession. © 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



C-sequestration, Climate change, Nutrient cycle, Plant signaling, Plant-soil interaction

