Computational insights into diverse aspects of glutathione S-transferase gene family in Papaver somniferum

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Journal of Plant Research

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Plant glutathione S-transferases are an ancient protein superfamily having antioxidant activity. These proteins are primarily involved in diverse plant functions such as plant growth and development, secondary metabolism, signaling pathways and defense against biotic and abiotic stresses. The current study aimed to comprehensively identify and characterize the GST gene family in the medicinally important crop Papaver somniferum. A total of 93 GST proteins were identified belonging to eight GST classes and found to be majorly localized in the cytoplasm. All GST genes were found on eleven opium chromosomes. Gene duplication analysis showed segmental duplication as a key factor for opium GST gene family expansion under strong purifying selection. Phylogenetic analysis with gymnosperm, angiosperm and bryophyte revealed the evolution of GSTs earlier than their division into separate groups and also prior to the divergence of monocot and dicot. The secondary structure prediction showed the dominance of ?-helices indicative of PsomGSTs as structurally stable and elastic proteins. Gene architecture showed the conservation of number of exons across the classes. MEME analysis revealed only a few class specific and many across class conserved motifs. Ser was found to be the active site residue of tau, phi, theta and zeta class and Cys was catalytic residue of DHAR, lambda and GHR class. Promoter analyses identified many cis-acting regulatory elements related to hormonal, cellular, stress and light response functions. Ser was the key phosphorylation site. Only three glycosylation sites were found across the 93 PsomGSTs. 3D structure prediction was also performed and was validated. Interactome analyses revealed the correlation of PsomGSTs with glutathione metabolizing proteins. Gene enrichment analysis and KEGG pathway analyzed the involvement of PsomGSTs in three major pathways i.e. glutathione metabolism, tyrosine metabolism and ascorbate metabolism. The outcome revealed high model quality of PsomGSTs. The results of the current study will be of potential significance to understand the functional and structural importance of the GST gene family in opium, a medicinally important crop. � 2022, The Author(s) under exclusive licence to The Botanical Society of Japan.



Ka/Ks substitution rates, Multiple sequence alignment, Phylogenetic tree

