Revegetating Mine Soils with Different Tree Species Influences Molecular Characteristics of Soil Organic Matter
Journal Title
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis
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Taylor and Francis Ltd.
Although molecular characterization of soil organic carbon is crucial for understanding its dynamics, studies on reclaimed coal mine soil are comparatively limited. Therefore, the primary objective of this study was to ascertain the influence of tree species on the soil organic carbon content and molecular characteristics of soil organic carbon in a chronosequence of reclaimed coal mine soil. To investigate the effects of reclamation time on soil organic carbon characteristics, a chronosequence of three coal mine soil was used, each exhibiting different ages of reclamation: 8, 14, and 25 years. Along a re-vegetation age gradient of 8 to 25 years, the total soil organic carbon content increased. Within the 25 years of restored soil, the FTIR absorption intensities were lowest within the range of 2,920 and 2,850 cm?1, while they were highest within the range of 1,685, 1,425, and 1,285 cm?1which indicates presence of aromatic C=C. This shows that aromatic compounds contributed more significantly to the composition of soil organic carbon compared to aliphatic structures. Based on molecular characteristics, it is suggested that the soil organic carbon in 25-year old revegetated coal mine soil consists of aromatic and recalcitrant carbon. Among three tree species Dalbergia sissoo can be used for reclamation as quality and quantity of carbon found was higher under this tree species. In conclusion, the results indicated that the molecular properties of soil organic carbon were extremely important for understanding the dynamics of soil organic carbon in a restored coal mine soil chronosequence. � 2024 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
Chronosequence, coal mine soil, molecular characterization, SOC dynamics, soil organic carbon