Comparative Study of Crossability Behavior in Intra-specific and Inter-specific Crosses of Vigna radiata and Vigna mungo

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Legume Research

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Agricultural Research Communication Centre

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Background: The basic plant material consisted of 9 mungbean and 5 urdbean genotypes. 42 different crosses were made comprising 13 Vigna radiata ´ V. radiata, 4 V. radiata ´ V. mungo and 25 V. radiata ´ V. mungo crosses. Varying degree of success has been achieved in obtaining intraspecific and interspecific crosses having desired variability for yield and yield contributing traits along with MYMV resistance. Methods: The present investigation was done at Agricultural Research Farm, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, during Kharif, 2019 and Summer, 2020. 42 intra-specific and inter-specific cross combinations were initially examined for their crossability. Out of these, six promising crosses with higher crossability percent were further analyzed for hybrid pollen fertility, hybrid lethality and, evaluation of F1 and parents for different yield traits. Result: Crossability per cent found highest in intraspecific cross HUM 2 ´ IPM 02-3 (41.86%) in mungbean while, in urdbean cross NDU 1 ´ R3/12 (41.38%). In interspecific crosses, the maximum crossability per cent was found in SKAU M 365 ´ R3/28 (34.92%). Two mungbean genotypes (HUM 2 and HUM 26) and two urdbean genotypes (R3/12 and R3/28) can be further utilized for genetic improvement through inter-specific hybridization as there cross combinations are better performing on the basis of yield attributes along with MYMV resistance. © 2023, Agricultural Research Communication Centre. All rights reserved.



Crossability, Hybrid breakdown, Inter-specific hybridization, Mungbean, MYMV resistance, Urdbean

